Friday, April 16, 2010

April 15th - WILD CARD

Two of Spades - Gas Station Cappuccino Machine

a form not entirely without precedent here...

Thoughts from an all night stretch of road

Grateful to get off the
agonizing stretch of asphalt I
stumble semi-conscious through
service station automatic doors
tight, a little bit,
aching certainly and
tired of the road

Inside I'm greeted with the
opulence of our society -
not wanting to wax philosophic, but I
can't help myself
after driving so long

Pop tarts, Cooler Ranch, Mountain Dew,
Pemican beef jerky: all these things
upset me not only for their esoteric
connotations - and those are there, even in
Cheerios I have enigmatic
infant memories - but on this unending
night, in this building where I am
ordering my coffee from a
machine, I pause to
ask myself if
capitalism is worth it

Having come to no conclusion
I purchase my cappuccino and a
nudie magazine and I

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