Saturday, April 01, 2023

National Poetry Month 2023

We all know that Elvis is actually alive and well in New Mexico, or something. So this project, I guess!

Does this very specific poetry blog make sense anymore? Is daily output still attainable? Should I have stayed retired after ten years? Is Blogger even a platform anymore? Only time will tell!

In the meantime, happy Distracted Driving Awareness Month!


2C Poverty Tourism
2D NYC MTA's "Apology Fare"
2H Prussian Blue
2S Diet Mountain Dew
3C Upstairs Neighbors
3H Carbon Dating
4C Names with Meanings
4D Closing Costs
4H Rain, Literal and Otherwise
4S Midwestern Sensibilities
5C The Intelligentsia
5H Small Dogs in Baby Carriages
5S Large Dogs in IKEA Bags
6C Multi-Level Marketing Schemes
6D Time Theft
6H "Who's on First"
6S Tort Law, not Torte Law
7C Deductive Reasoning 
7D Free Trade
7H Doomsday Preppers
8D Supply and Demand
8S Pabst Blue Ribbon (on my mind)
9C Transactional Relationships
9D Acceptable Losses
9H Mexican Pizza
10C The War of Northern Aggression
10D Commerce! Industry!
JD Human Capital
JH Eating Hallucinogenic Mushrooms with Matt Berry
QC Ladybugs
QH Tornado Warnings
QS Beauty Bar
KC The Bronze Age
KH The Iron Age
KS The Golden Age
AC Misericordia
AD A Fractured Jerusalem 
AH Habibi
AS Kiddush
RED JOKER Instagram Poets

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