Tuesday, April 04, 2023

April 3rd - A Fractured Jerusalem

 Ace of Diamonds - A Fractured Jerusalem

Next Year

There have been times when I've had more cracks
Inside me than there are in the last wall
That guarded al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf 
Or the Temple of Solomon
Or whatever you will

There were cracks when I laid my face against that wall
And whispered to God, or whomever
Like so many before me: pilgrims
And drunk tourists, and refugees
I forget what I said to Him

The Sun reflects off ancient Limestone at this moment
And, surely, warms another person's face 
Most die never having touched that Limestone
Soldiers murder children for and people live in
Fear because of Limestone

We remember the Temple in days of awe
Or on Pesach when we taste charoset and the bitter herb
When others do - it's years since I read from a Haggadah
Or sang about my people in chains
Or yelled unrestrained to the heavens: 
"L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim!"

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