Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18th - Horrible Bosses

Nine of Diamonds - Horrible Bosses
13 - Hip-Hopera (detail)

The curse of the Hip-Hopera!

So I finished something, but in the interest of self preservation I am not going to post it here. Email me at if you want to see it in all it's vitriolic glory. It's certainly not my best, but I did manage to rhyme "Andre Johnson" with "Wisconsin".

Selected samples:
- Drums and bassline from Lee Dorsey's “Get Out of My Life Woman
- The piano intro from Outkast's “Roses
- The organ lick from Bob Dylan's “Positively 4th Street
- The first moments and "laser beams" of Cornershop's "Wogs Will Walk
- The horns from Swearing at Motorist's “Calgon Take Me Away
- Select bits from "Steam's" "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye"
- And the occasional wet drum from Eric Carmen's “Hungry Eyes” 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HiP-PittY-hoP HoOOooorAy!