Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21st - Koala Attacks

Five of Spades - Koala Attacks
15 - Free Verse

Drop Bears and Tourist Tax

They were told to put vegemite behind their ears
And so they did
The three girls from Tulane
Terrified by barbeque pit tales
Told through the matted beard of the hostel concierge
They nightmared koala-like creatures
And all presently picture bloody premolars
As they drink from their Kleen Kanteens
Wipe sweat from their brows with newly-bought bandanas
With the Union Jack and the Southern Cross
As they warily eye eucalyptus trees
Brewers' yeast dries in the sun

While back on Magazine Street
Seventy American dollars lighter
An Australian exits the airport taxi
And in the nearest sunsoaked cafe
Prompted by the electricity in the air and
The gap-toothed smile of his pretty barista and
The stuffed koala taped to the register
Worse for the wear
He orders a T-shirt with his Flat Black
And he is charged twice
What he would if only he lived
In New Orleans

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