Tuesday, April 01, 2014

April 1st - Bloodless Coups

Seven of Clubs - Bloodless Coups
2 - Shakespearean Sonnet

Office Politics 1

When working for a corporate cannibal
Who’s bloated with a surfeit of hubris
Whose rule is borderline tyrannical
Though in the end is ultimately toothless
You’ll stay discreet attempting to outlive
Her cruel reign, contented in the knowledge
That in the long run something has to give
Or else you’ll maybe quit and finish college

Her fate came swift and though she kept her head
We all escaped her tarnished legacy
Our celebrations now give way to dread
What doth replace a common enemy?

Her welcome absence leaves a sudden pall
Oh, was it really bloodless after all?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

couldn't hardly wait
for the blessed date
that the one you hate
finally met her fate