Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17th - Circular Logic

Eight of Spades - Circular Logic
4 - Ruba'i

For a long time I've loved Zen Koans. Here are four circular logic puzzles condensed into a rather circular poetic structure.

If You Love, Love Openly

The student asked, "how do you know?"
And poured his tea to overflow
"With a full vessel and a spoon"
The master said, "how will you grow?"

A thief was searching for a boon
And came upon a little loon
Who gave his things and then did say
"I wish I could bring him the moon"

The man who bore the sack was gay
A doled out toys for kids to play
When someone asked him, "what is Zen?"
The man continued on his way

The master told his monks of ten
Because a nun had caught one's yen
"If you're in love then let it show
Don't hide it in the ferns and fens."

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