Faces of Death
You could buy drugs there then
But you never thought to ask the men
Who checked your bags whose mouths
And yellow eyes never stopped moving
Sober you could lose yourself for hours
Frantic click-clack searching till
Your fingertips were black until you
Found an album that you weren’t afraid
To show your friend for her approval
Something that could soon become
Your favorite thing you’ve ever heard
And upstairs where you’d only go alone
To look but never buy the films made mainly
For their scenes of sliced-off fingers or popped eyeballs
Eye-popping bodies sweating and heaving
Cat-eyed Jezebels who’d stare at you from
Boxes you’d pick up and then pick up again
Pre-owned VHS tapes which forewarned that
You would see a person die – and sure
None of what you watched was real but still
It made the blood inside you pulse so fast
It made you close your eyes
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