Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17th - Time and Space

Two for the price of one -
Black Joker - Time
Red Joker - Space

"I need some time"
You say but you are

It is impossible to need 
Time - for time is
Only an illusion
I remind you at a
Slightly louder volume 
Than the din around us
And you realize once again
Just what you've started

(I pause for effect) 
Is an Illusion
You may try to grasp its
Steadfast hands
But with your touch
They crumble into -
(I talk while chewing) 
Sand - You 
Cannot do but contemplate
The cruel mirage that is its
E’er determined face for 
(I mix my metaphors) 
Is a Closed Circle
Wherein taking time to 
Move yourself away from me
You are in turn - in reality - 
Closer to this moment
And to me
Than you were in the first place
(Let me finish)
Is - at the very least - a Spiral
A great Nautilus! The shell
Of a sempiternal snail
On which you may try and
Trace your life along a line
But if you dare look back
Unfortunate Eurydice
The line will curve
And all at once you'll see
Your past your future
Flowing inexorably toward - 
(I choke on my grilled cheese)

You look away from me
And stab your food 
And sigh
I need some time"



When I say I need
Some space I don't
Mean just from you but
Also from the ground
Beneath my feet the
Cells of my skin
My bones

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