Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Dream I Had in Meguro, Tokyo, JP

The Deer From Ueno Zoo

I met a deer at the swimming pool - the same deer from Ueno Zoo. He had an old, compassionate face, the kind that has learned to respond to ignorance with a smile. We got to talking while walking home together. The deer told me about his travels, that he had made his way up from the South and how the journey had been hard on him and his wife (had she died?). There was particular trouble with the way his bags were checked and handled and of course there was the ever-present fear of being killed.
Commiserating with the deer in my usual empty, chameleon way, I began, "Yes, you guys are killed for meat, for trophies...Jersey is so overpopulated with deer that you find them just standing on people's lawns with nothing to do."
My companion smiled at me generously.
Silenced, I suddenly visualized my next-door neighbor standing in his front yard holding a rubber hose. From time to time he would raise his free hand to wave at passing cars.

1 comment:

Quintinxjjy said...

1542-Antwerp, Belgium: Tielman Susato is paid for providing the city with 2 additional trombones, -one a tenor, the other a bass, bought for the civic musicians to be used in processions and in the church with the singers during high feasts- (Polk, Susato 195). Inventory records from 1532 show that the city already owns 3 trombones (Polk, Susato 73). The alter of pitch is brought about by shifting the length of the tube with the slider. When the slider is pushed out, the tube turns into longer and the pitch gets to be decrease. When the slider is retracted the pitch gets to be greater. It is not unusual if you to think that with the slider modifying to any placement you will be capable to get a note but this is not true. You have only 7 positions. When the slider is fully stretched out, it is position seven and when it is entirely in, it is No. 1. In between there are 5 more positions located at regular intervals. This is true for equally bass and tenor trombones (trombonThei bassitenori). Trombones with Extension Handles, 1500-1900 Throat diameter Buying a Trombone Guide