Thursday, April 06, 2017

April 6th - Noble Lies

Three of Clubs - Noble Lies
6 - Roll
19 - Craigslist Missed Connection

m4w - Four Arms, Four Legs, and a Head with Two Faces - 27 (Downtown)

I split in three when I saw you
Reading Plato in the basement of The Strand
Pursed face
Perfect face
Shooting me bit-lip indirect looks
Making me want
To speak to you from my head
To promise

It only gets better from here
All the work will be worth it
We will laugh about everything – eventually
Our friends will get along
We’ll make each other better people
No jealously or resentment
Won’t get too sick or too sad
Or too bored
That when we have it
Love will never die
It will be decades before we bury our parents
Decades more before our children bury us
And wherever we go next will be
Warm and familiar where
The perfect Face of the World
Will be conclusively reveled

But I didn’t say any of that
Without putting too much on it
Want to grab coffee sometime?

Tell me what books I bought
And the color of my eyes

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