Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 27th - Generic Trademarks (Five of Spades)

Generic Trademarks

She Rollerbladed to class
Walkman turned up all the way
Wearing Super Hero Band-Aids
On perpetually Neosporined knees

You played together in a Frisbee game then
Started to see each other everywhere
Coincidentally: in the Laundromat where
You shared midnight Cokes and Twinkies

Soon you were alone experimenting
With every drug short of Heroin
Fucking without protection
Eating Popsicles afterward

She left Post-its in your textbooks
You dreamed about the smell of her Cloroxed hair
On weekends you would drive her Jeep
Her filthy Jeep up into the mountains

You would make love there
Pressed against the Plexiglass
Among the crushed Kleenex boxes,
And Cellophane wrapping, half empty

Aspirin bottles, uncapped Sharpies, dusty
Hacky Sacks, the mildewed Thermoses,
Broken Hula Hoop, and Freon fumes of
Her Jeep where you came together

In the soundfulness of the deep woods
Frogs and cicadas singing at the night
Tangled together on the hood of her car
"When I'm anywhere but here

I feel I'm being crushed to death"
She would say in an alien voice
And you would point to the stars
Wanting to speak constellations, but

Having forgotten the names of all things

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