Friday, April 07, 2023

April 6th - The "Cool" Nineties Guy

Ten of Hearts - The "Cool" Nineties Guy
This one is a throwback to the early days of this project. Good riddance to weird 90's tropes; long live the Cragislist missed connection!
Jeff Bridges Look-a-like, "Blown Away" - (Hollywood)

All points bulletin
For a man who's not afraid
To wear a Hawaiian shirt
Under a bomber jacket
To kick against the pricks
Be they yuppie skiers or stuffy deans
Or anyone who doesn't know 
The meaning of the words
"Party Time!"

A man who owns a dog
Shepard or retriever only
Or else a capuchin
One that wears tiny aviators, maybe
More friend than owner, really 
To an animal that forces us 
To persuade ourselves
That he's a good guy
At heart
After all

I want a man who's good with women
Buxom blondes bounce in and out his bed
But when he finds the one with glasses
Or tweed skirt or shoulder pads
Like me
He stutters for the first and only time
His dog or monkey hides its face
In its paw
As if it were a person

It will all work out
In the end 
For me 
And this man who has one black friend
Or some wise mentor from the East
A man who would never strike a woman
But one who wouldn't hesitate
To trick her into sex
If the writers
Were filled
With enough 
(Of course 
they always 
would be)


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