Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 24th - Apocalyptic Dreams

Ace of Clubs - Apocalyptic Dreams
3 - Shakespearean Sonnet


One summer night I fell into a dream:
My friends and I meander through the mall
And suddenly a man lets out a scream
As pieces of the ceiling start to fall
The burden-bearing cable swiftly snaps,
Foundations shake as crossbeams bend and roar
The total structure threatens to collapse
We link our arms and make it to the door
Outside the air is black as buildings burn
Just noise: a siren's blare, a woman's cry
Amid cacophony one can discern
The crunch of bodies falling from the sky
      And yes it was a dream, but when I woke
      My eyes beheld a skyline filled with smoke

Check for a new poem here tomorrow...
In the meantime, check out April 24th's poem from last year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unasked for Advice
Find a Composer For This One

Shall this sonnet find itself a song?
Where silent now cries out for melody?
It found me wasting time in reverie
A reverie that blissfully revealed
That I am not so happy after all

Unmasked, instead, under nightmarish pall
After beginning, simply, in a mall.